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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 2.5-instructions-are-now-funtion-based
    current instructions are
    Allowed input file syntax
    C FLOAT (C is a char, FLOAT is a float)
    F distance (move turtle forward by 'distance', print line if pencil is down)
    T angle (turn turtle by 'angle' (positive angle counterclockwise))
    U (move pencil up)
    D (move pencil down)
    [ repetition (start of loop repeat until ']' 'repetition' times)
    ] (end of loop)
    { (remember coordinates and angle)
    } (goto remembered coordinates and angle)
    WARNING it is not allowed to cross [] and {} e.g {[}] or [{]}
  • 2.0-nested-repeat-instruction
    This version is now capable of nesting the new [ and ] 'repetitions' repeat instructions. It does not support the old R 'repetitions' and E instructions!
    Instruction description:
    C FLOAT (C is a char, FLOAT is a float)
    F distance (move turtle forward by 'distance', print line if pencil is down)
    T angle (turn turtle by 'angle' (positive angle counterclockwise))
    U (move pencil up)
    D (move pencil down)
    [ (start of loop)
    ] repetition (end of loop, jumps to last '[' for 'repetition' times)
    { (remember coordinates and angle)
    } (goto remembered coordinates and angle)
    R repetition (repeat following operation until E operator 'repetition' times)
    E (marks end of repetition block)
  • 1.0-simple-repeat
    2a76dd52 · Update main.c ·
    This version only supports the R 'times' and E instructions for repetition, which cannot be nested.
    Instruction description:
    C FLOAT (C is a char, FLOAT is a float)
    F distance (move turtle forward by 'distance', print line if pencil is down)
    T angle (turn turtle by 'angle' (positive angle counterclockwise))
    U (move pencil up)
    D (move pencil down)
    R repetition (repeat following operation until E operator or end of file 'repetition' times, it is not possible to nest these)
    E (marks end of repetition block)
    { (remember coordinates and angle)
    } (goto remembered coordinates and angle)